The Scrub is here, the Scrub is here!

I have been out of town and off-line for several days now, and even though I was enjoying our vacation, I have had only two things on my mind; getting my new Scrub Plane and reading the latest book I ordered.

The Lie-Nielsen Scrub Plane

It's here!

It happened just as I thought it would. I ordered the plane on Thursday morning, Feb. 10th, got the email stating it was shipped on Thursday afternoon, and received it late Monday afternoon, Feb. 14th via standard UPS Ground. Maine to Maryland, freshly made from the factory. And I must say, it is just as sweet as the Krispy Kreme doughnuts that I did get in Washington, D.C. on Monday morning fresh off the line. And if you are wondering, yes, I did jump up and down when my sister-in-law told me the UPS truck just came by after we got home.

I decided to do the “straight from the box test.” I gave the plane a quick wipe off, set the blade depth, pulled out a big chunk of rough walnut with a hump in the middle, put it on a bench hook and went to work. What can I say?! It removed wood like a beaver on Red Bull, and virtually effortless. I am a happy boy! Thanks for another great tool Lie-Nielsen! I can only imagine what it will do once I hone it up.

A Beaver on Red Bull

The Joiner and the Cabinet Maker

I heard about this book from Christopher Schwarz on “The Woodwright’s Shop” and being a bit of a history buff and a bibliophile, I ordered the book the next day. I got it from the The Lost Art Press, and once again yes, I did get the copy with Christopher Schwarz’s autograph. Hey, haven’t you heard? He’s the Oprah of woodworking, so who won’t want his autograph?!

During our vacation time, I did have the book with me, but the train ride was so hot and wobbly, I could not read. Then after a day of touring museums, after dinner all I wanted to do was sleep, ergo, I only got a couple of pages read during our trip. But I am thoroughly enjoying the book.

If you like history and woodworking, you should enjoy this book. Written in 1839, the book centers around a young apprentice named Thomas. The book was written as a way to teach young men about what it might be like to be an apprentice joiner. In addition, Christopher Scharwarz and Joel Moskowitz have added interesting historical information about that time period, and side notes in the story to help you understand about the tools and techniques they used. I can’t wait to get under the covers and start reading more tonight.

I own an on-line book store, so I just can’t help myself with ordering new books, so I also got “The Essential Woodworker” by Robert Wearing. I’ll be sure to give a book review when I finish it. I already have a couple of blog ideas from The Joiner and the Cabinet Maker for future posts, and I am sure the next book will make that queue even longer.

It’s nice to go on vacation, but it is always good to come back to the things you love; your children, your own pillow, a good book, and the Lie-Nielsen waiting for you in the shop. Night night!

About yaakov

Husband, Abba, Furniture Maker, Turner, Bookseller, and all around working stiff.
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3 Responses to The Scrub is here, the Scrub is here!

  1. I’m an old book junkie, I confess. However, I’m also an old tool junkie too, so the two just sort of go together. I just have an innate fascination with such things. Now, Lost Art Press and Tools for Working Wood are just making matters worse with all their wonderful reprints. Nothing like an old book to give you a peek at “life back then”.

  2. Yaakov,

    I am curious about one aspect of your scrub plane. I have had the same plane for some time now and I remember having a slight hiccup with the fit of the cap against the iron. When sighting carefully down the surface of the iron, I noticed the cap only contacted the iron on the left most corner. It was as if the cap was twisted or the bar it wedges against was set in an angle. After some careful filing on the small groove of the brass cap which interfaces with the round bar, it fit perfectly. I noticed an improvement on the cut of the plane after the fix. I am guessing the issue was unique only to my specific #40 but still curious to know how your cap fit?


    • yaakov says:


      The cap on my scrub looks fine. After reading your comment, I double checked all the surfaces and all the connection points are right on the mark. I can’t wait to really put it through its paces.

      Be well,


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